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Showing posts from October, 2019

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For its part, the Justice Department has filed a brief supporting Trump in this case urging Marrero to consider Trump's arguments, without explicitly endorsing his argument that he cannot be investigated by anyone. Court of Appeals for help and raised the prospect of going directly to the Supreme Court if the 2nd Circuit did not act swiftly. The appeals court could hear oral arguments as early as the week of Oct. Nurse With Wound wholesale jerseys would become a force of the avant garde itself, but the colloquially named NWW List developed a unique culture of its own. Record stores and mail order sites like Aquarius Records which I celebrated on last week's column would send up a flag whenever a new reissue of an out of print, NWW List approved artist would appear. Sharity blogs would tag MP3s "NWW List" even if the connection was tenuous at best, or just flat out false. There's also nearly 2,000 square feet of commercial, slated to host a restaurant with inciden